田超先生于2008年正式加入酒店行业,职业生涯开始于希尔顿集团,在酒店市场销售领域拥有十二年的从业及管理经验。先后在希尔顿、万豪、凯悦等国际知名酒店集团中担任管理职务。此外,他还曾就职于康泰纳仕集团旗下的高端旅游刊物《Condé Nast Traveler》中国版,担任《悦游》及《智族GQ》品牌副总监。在销售管理、会议统筹、品牌开发、数字营销等多方面均有涉及,履新之前,田超先生就职于凯悦集团旗下的首北兆龙饭店任市场销售总监一职。
Midtown Shangri-La, Hangzhou is pleased to announce the appointment of Jerry Tian as Director of Sales & Marketing. He will be managing the
business and marketing promote of hotel.
In 2008, Jerry starts his career in Hilton Worldwide. Over the subsequent 12 years, Jerry worked throughout his journey in Sales & Marketing with several luxury grand hotels and luxury brands such as Hilton, Hyatt and Marriott. He also joined Condé Nast China as Deputy Branding Director in 2019. Prior to joining Shangri-La, Jerry was Director of Salas & Marketing of BEI Zhaolong Hotel, a Joie de Vivre Hotel (Hyatt).
With his abundant working experience, strong sales skills and excellent leadership, he will bring a new vigor into Midtown Shangri-La, Hangzhou and lead the team to creating a more brilliant achievement.